Quantum Counselling Certificate to Doctorate
Level Course

Få færdighederne til at transformere dit liv og vis andre, hvordan man også transformerer deres!

A Certificate to Doctorate Level Course Series - Sådan aktiveres Powerful transformation og skaber massive gennembrud for dig selv og dine kunder

Problemer, du måske har?

Vores løsning:

Det er tid til at stoppe med at gå ned ad den samme vej til en udmattende og dyr uddannelse, som ikke rigtig lærer dig, hvordan du transformerer dig selv, skaber dit liv fra det indre til det ydre og derefter give andre den samme power.

På University of Consciousness Education tilbyder vi den eneste fuldt akkrediterede Quantum Counselling Doctorate Course Series, som er tilgængelig i verden!


Vi har været førende inden for klienttransformation i over 30 år, med succes hjulpet tusinder af mennesker over hele verden! I dette kursus viser vi dig, hvordan du samler nøgle faktorer, der resulterer i ægte dybtgående transformation, fordi vi ved, hvordan man opnår permanente resultater og giver klienter power til at ændre deres liv!


The Quantum Counselling course giver dig en tilgang til en terapi, der fungerer meget hurtigere end traditionel praksis. Transformationsværktøjerne er meget dybe og kræver, at du finder grundårsagen til al lidelse i sindet og anvender nøgle teknikker til at hjælpe din klient ind til nye perspektiver. Hvordan ville det føles, hvis du kendte den direkte vej til at hjælpe klienter med at løse ethvert problem i livet, samtidig med at du gav dem power i denne ændring?

Hvis dette lyder som dig:

Så er dette kursus noget for dig!!

Med vores månedlige webinarer og online fora kan du få forbindelse til medstuderende og modtage support fra vores vejledere når som helst under din læring.

Dette kursus giver dig adgang til unikke oplysninger, som du kan bruge til at fjerne gamle vaner og mønstre for dig selv og dine kunder. Quantum Counselling Course giver en dyb forståelse af traumer, og hvordan sindet påvirkes ubevidst, hvilket giver dig et niveau af færdigheder som rådgiver, der sjældent ses i almindelig rådgivning. Tilmeld dig i dag og skab reel forandring på alle livets områder, herunder sundhed, rigdom, forhold og kreativitet.

Uanset om du bare vil have dybere forståelse af dig selv og livet ELLER om du søger at få unikke teknikker til at hjælpe dig selv og andre, er dette kursus noget for dig!

Vores U.C.E Quantum Counselling Course giver dig nøglen til frihed på alle niveauer.

U.C.E Certificate i Quantum Counselling er starten på en fantastisk rejse med transformation. Vil Uncover, Connect and Empower og styrke dig med den viden, du har brug for til selvvækst og til at komme videre med dine studier til at blive Quantum Counseller. Vores gennemprøvede teknikker vil katapult dine kunder mod en dybtgående transformation. Dette er det første skridt til den frihed, du har længtes efter!

Certifikatkurset kræver, at du sætter spørgsmålstegn ved virkeligheden, og om sindet har magt over sagen. Dette gøres gennem refleksion, praktiske øvelser og se på, hvad der forhindrer os i at skifte vores fokus væk fra troen på at være begrænset. Det er også en introduktion til principperne om at mestre Mind over Matter, og du vil få indsigt i din egen indre verden. Du vil blive taget med på en dybtgående rejse gennem følgende emner:

Der er ingen forudsætninger for at tilmelde dig til certifikatkurset, alle er velkomne. I slutningen af certifikatkurset bliver du naturligvis inviteret til at tilmelde dig det næste niveau. Hvis du køber hele pakken, vil linket til næste kursus være tilgængeligt i dit student område.

Quantum Counselling giver massive gennembrud, og certifikatkurset giver dig starten på, hvad der kræves for at dine klienter kan ændre deres liv!

Quantum Counselling Complete 4 Kursus Pakke

Vores UCE Quantum Counselling kursus tilbydes på Certificate, Diploma, Bachelor & Doctorate Levels.

Denne U.C.E-serie af alle fire kurser er designet til at føre dig gennem hele processen med selv- og klienttransformation. Vi Uncover, Connect and Empower dig med det fulde program, der er nødvendigt for at gennemføre doktorgraden. Dette forbedres yderligere med fortsat support i vores live forum til forretningsopbygning, hvis du ønsker at opbygge en klient-baseret praksis.

Denne specielle 4-kursus-pakke giver dig mulighed for at købe 4-kursus-serien til en nedsat pris og få teknikker, der ikke er lært.

Funktioner og fordele:

Online læringsportal

Lær i dit eget tempo, når som helst og hvor som helst ved at logge ind på vores online læringsportal og få adgang til dine kurser

Nem adgang til træningsmateriale

Find alle dine kursus lydlektioner og træningsmanualer lige ved hånden klar til at gå igang med!

Online fora og månedlige webinarer

Få forbindelse til din kursuslærer og medstuderende i vores fora og månedlige webinarer, hvilket giver dig al den støtte, du har brug for til enhver tid på din læringsrejse.


At the U.C.Education, all of our courses are fully accredited by Complementary Therapists Accredited Association (www.ctaamembers.com)

About UCE

U.C.E is an online learning portal that focuses on expanding consciousness through self-development, expertise and skills for both individuals and clients. Behind U.C.E are the founders, Dr Jo-Le Rose, Dr Karen Wells and Dr Katie Webber, who are leaders in the field of cognitive education. Over the last 30 years they have worked online and in person with thousands of clients from all walks of life in many parts of the world.

U.C.E are proud to be one of the first platforms to offer online accredited Doctorate courses, which use effective methods to teach and bring forth from the student dynamic understanding of the mind, life and the way it works. 

All students are valued and above all, supported through their journey of learning and attaining a professional title of achievement.

Get the Quantum Counselling Courses Today!

Get the Quantum Counselling Courses Today!

1 Payment

4 Course Quantum Counselling Doctorate Bundle

One-Off Payment of


Split Payment

4 Course Quantum Counselling Doctorate Bundle

Three Payments of


If you choose to split payments you are liable to pay the full amount before completing.

Split Payment

4 Course Quantum Counselling Doctorate Bundle

Twelve Payments of


If you choose to split payments you are liable to pay the full amount before completing.

By Purchasing this course you agree to the U.C.E Terms & Conditions

All prices are in US Dollars

Learn more about the different levels of this Course

Please Note: Each course is a pre-requisite for the next level.
You won't be able to purchase the next course without completing the previous one.

Certificate Course


Diploma Course


What some of our students say about U.C.E

Frequently Asked Questions

So, you have questions? Let us try to answer those for you...

The only difference is in the awarded title. Those looking to add a Doctorate to personal growth, coaching or life training, may prefer their Doctorate Title as Client-Transformation. Those whose skills include other types of counselling modalities, such as grief bereavement, addiction counselling, etc., may prefer their Doctorate title as Quantum Counselling. Both courses focus on the same journey through the problem to the solution of creating a new life-reality.

We have aimed the Quantum Counselling course at all levels, so if you have no prior experience as a therapist that is no problem at all. We will take you through every step and stage in becoming a successful Quantum Counsellor and gaining a full Doctorate in Quantum Counselling. Likewise, if you have experience or are already a therapist of another modality, you will be shown techniques in Quantum Counselling that go far beyond anything taught elsewhere. We show you the missing elements and exactly how to take your client into freedom through Quantum Counselling.

We have aimed the Client Transformation course at all levels, so if you have no prior experience as a therapist that is no problem at all. We will take you through every step and stage in becoming a successful Client Transformation Practitioner and gaining a full Doctorate in Client Transformation. Likewise, if you have experience or are already a therapist of another modality, you will be shown techniques in Client Transformation that go far beyond anything taught elsewhere. We

show you the missing elements and exactly how to take your client into freedom through Client Transformation.

You can enrol in our online courses anytime you like. You don’t need to wait for a certain date to enrol, just check your emails for your login details, login, and start learning!

It’s easy, just click on the Join Now link located on any of our course information pages and follow the simple steps and you will be able to start your course straight away! If you have any questions email us at enquiries@uceducation.online

When you complete your course you will receive a certificate from the University of Consciousness Education showing that you have successfully completed your studies. We have been awarded the highest accreditation as a course provider by CTAA – Complementary Therapists Accredited Association – giving our online courses the recognition of being an exceptionally high standard of learning. This gives you, as a U.C.E student, the invitation to join the CTAA upon the completion of your courses(s), at no additional cost to yourself. Our aim is to support you not only through your learning process, but also as a practitioner by providing you with a membership foundation that has many benefits, including discounted insurance. All of this comes as a package when you join U.C.E. You will receive a certificate from the University of Consciousness Education showing that you have successfully completed your studies.

All of our courses are fully accredited by the Complementary Therapists Accredited Association (CTAA). Here is the link to their website for you https://www.ctaamembers.com/. Accreditation with CTAA guarantees we have been accepted as a Premier Quality Distance Learning Provider and our courses meet the standard of excellence required to achieve this. Our certificates are stamped with the seal of Quality Distance Learning (QDL).Because we are a member of CTAA it also means that once you have completed a course with us, you can also join CTAA as an approved Practitioner of Hypnosis. CTAA can also connect you with affiliated insurance companies worldwide in order to take out insurance for your practice when setting up your business.  

Our online platform enables our courses to be studied at an individual pace, so you can complete our courses at your own pace. It doesn't matter how long you take.

All the video lessons, workbooks and assessment are online and live forums and live monthly webinars provide an amazing level of support when you need it. We are always available via email as well. Our students rave about how supported they feel and comment that the depth of this work is like nothing they have ever experienced.

Our courses are available to anyone, anywhere and at any time. Upon enrolment you will have access to the course immediately.

 We have many counsellors, healers and other therapists who enrol on the Client Transformation Course to gain new skills and catapult their therapy practice and their ability to help others.

Ready to transform?

If there is anything at all that you are not certain about, anything we have yet to make clear in the FAQ's, or if you still have a question, then please contact us at enquiries@uceducation.online and we will be happy to help.
