Claire Newsholme
Hello, Hope you are all having a good week
I’m requesting a helping hand, as for several months I’ve been struggling to get my electronics to work, which is impacting on the goals I set myself last year.
I was made redundant in October 2020 and was gutted at first but then realised it was an opportunity to do UCE courses to become a counsellor. I really want to help others grow and expand and discover any repeating patterns that are holding them back from living their best life. I myself wouldn’t heave got this far without the help and support of UCE and their members.
I have passed my diploma last year but with family health challenges and lack of equipment that is unreliable, slow and too old to update to any apps. , I find myself limited in accessing the internet and applications, to enable me to carry on with this journey, to complete my bachelors and thriving therapy course.
I would also like to publish my poems into a journal but even having trouble accessing the photos I emailed myself. I would really appreciate a helping hand to help me continue my journey and help others to start theirs in a limitless life.
Thank you so much for your time and support.
Claire |