Nicola La Vie

Areas Covered
Sunshine Coast, Australia
About Nicola La Vie

Hi there! I’m Nicola La Vie, a big hearted mumma to a gorgeous 6 year old boy! I love the beach, cooking delicious food and the world of self discovery, inner growth and outer expansion. Day to day I assist people through Feng Shui Transformation in both homes and businesses - to bring about deep and lasting change in the spaces we live and environments we work. Creating Harmony, Joy and Up-liftment.

Having worked with the creators of U.C.E. For more than a decade, individually and collectively, my life has gone through transformation, after transformation, after transformation. The tools shared, the depth of support I’ve never before experienced, the unconditional love given and the daily implementation of these tools, has resulted in healing deep trauma, profound inner growth and outer expansion which has led to happiness, peace and inner freedom, along with knowing my true purpose in life.

I became an Executive Affiliate of U.C.E. Because what these incredible beings have shared so selflessly has radically changed my life and I want this for all people, no matter what walk of life they come from, each person has the right to Inner Freedom, to know the Truth. At the core of all the U.C.E. programs is the up-liftment and raising of consciousness for the benefit of all and in essence I am in service passionately and wholeheartedly to that.

While I live on the Sunshine Coast I am also available to connect with and assist people online and around the World.

In Grace and Gratitude,
Nicola xxx

Get In Touch With

Nicola La Vie

(046) 863-9550